• bachelor

B.A. Vocational Education in Healthcare

Designing learning and teaching, providing competent advice and support
Our core features are:

  • Project studies right from the start, practicing and testing scientifically sound teaching and learning
  • Learning pedagogical and didactic principles and applying them in practice
  • Experience reflection as the basis for professional action
  • Learn the basics of group dynamics based on experience and theory
  • Know and critically reflect on health policy, legal, economic and organizational framework conditions and their impact on everyday working life
  • A study organization in a block system that allows you to combine studies, career and family
  • Online and face-to-face parts of the course, combining the latest forms of teaching and learning to make blended learning an experience for professional qualification


You have completed training in a healthcare profession and would like to

  • inspire people for your profession and accompany them on their training path
  • Initiate and support learning processes
  • theoretically substantiate, professionally shape and reflect on your professional activities 
  • get to know other perspectives and shape change
  • implement new research findings in education and training contexts
  • work on and research practical issues

Academic requirements

  • qualified health care professional


  • higher education entrance qualification, Fachhochschulreife (education entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences) or subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or

Further information

The core disciplines of the Professional Health care Education study program are:

  • educational science
  • communication
  • basics of sociology, psychology, philosophy, and ethics
  • nursing science or health promotion and prevention

This program qualifies graduates to teach in the health care sector in initial training, continuing and advanced education. The program incorporates the most up to date teaching methods that students will utilize in their professional careers upon graduation. The program enables students to:

  • initiate learning processes and support them pedagogically
  • develop and implement new concepts
  • implement and integrate the latest research findings in nursing science or health promotion and prevention in educational and training contexts
  • competently plan and reflect on professional strategies
  • evaluate the quality of education
  • carry out independent academic work and research

Information for applicants with a foreign citizenship applying for a degree at KH Freiburg you will find on application.

Information on how to find your way to the KH Freiburg as an exchange student you will find on exchange students.

Study, research, and development projects are offered in the fifth and sixth semester. Research or development projects are designed, carried out, and presented independently, under the supervision of university lecturers. 
Integrated work placement: In the fourth semester, students do work experience in an area of their choosing.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Prof. Dr. Ursula Immenschuh

Director of Study Program B.A. Vocational Education in Health Care

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Prof. Dr. Frank Luck

Director of Study Program B.A. Vocational Education in Health Care,Professor

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Course Office Laura Zucconi

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