• master

M.A. Applied Gerontology

Profile of the degree program

The part-time Master's degree course in Applied Gerontology is aimed at people with professional experience in age-related fields of activity and requires a first professionally qualifying university degree. This degree program is based on the idea of a modular system.  Two further training courses must be successfully completed and these can be supplemented by a Master's degree module in a second step if the prerequisites are met. The Master's degree module is offered at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg and lasts two semesters.

Academic requirements

First professionally qualifying academic degree
followed by at least 2 years of qualified professional experience 
2 completed, gerontologically oriented Further education trainings

Further information

Gerontologists deal with the phase of life of old age and the conditions for happy, healthy and good ageing. They are committed to creating conditions for healthy, contented ageing and develop measures and concepts to create the best possible framework conditions for work with the elderly. They are committed to the development and improvement of legal, financial and organizational conditions. They work primarily in social, health and diversity management, in social counseling and social work, in adult education or in science and teaching.

  • Fields of employment for gerontologists:
  • Facilities for the elderly
  • (in the advisory, rehabilitative and care sector)
  • Rehabilitation and spa clinics
  • Universities/ vocational colleges 
  • Municipal institutions
  • Social associations in the field of elderly care
  • adult education
  • large companies

Information for applicants with a foreign citizenship applying for a degree at KH Freiburg you will find on application.

Information on how to find your way to the KH Freiburg as an exchange student you will find on exchange students.

You will find the general semester dates on Semestertermine (in German).

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Prof. Dr. phil. Ines Himmelsbach

Vice Rector for Research, Head of IAF, Head of the Program Applied Gerontology, Professor

More informations