Concept for protection against sexual harassment, sexualized violence and discrimination

The Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (KH Freiburg) vehemently opposes discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or beliefs, disability, age and sexual identity, as well as all forms of sexual harassment or sexualized violence. With its protection concept, the University wants to encourage affected persons to actively protect themselves.  

Sexualized violence includes all forms of sexual abuse/assault, coercion, rape, sexual harassment, forced sexual/physical contact and sexually-motivated stalking. It is about sexually motivated acts that occur against the will of the affected person and can violate their sexual self-determination and dignity. 

By sexual harassment, we mean unwanted, sexually determined behavior that has the purpose or effect of violating another person’s dignity, especially when it creates an environment characterized by intimidation, hostility, humiliation, degradation or insult.

Forms of sexual harassment include:

  • Distributing pornographic images; 
  • Soliciting sexual acts; 
  • Insinuating or ambiguous remarks about appearance and/or clothing;
  • Remarks and jokes of a sexual nature; 
  • Unwanted presents, persistent and undesired attempts for contact, solicitation and/or unwanted invitations with clear intent; 
  • Advances with the promise of benefits or threats of disadvantages; 
  • Undesired physical contact or solicitation for such contact.

Discrimination is understood to be direct or indirect forms of disadvantaging or treating someone unfairly/unjustly based on race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual identity (see AGG § 1 the German General Equal Treatment Act)(AGG § 1). 

Contact persons

Those affected can receive support with any of their questions and concerns about sexual harassment, sexualized violence, and discrimination. To this end, the KH Freiburg has appointed contact persons in accordance with § 4a of the state law for institutions of higher learning (Landeshochschulgesetztes). The contact persons consist of one woman and one man each from the University administration, student body and faculty.

  • If you have been affected by sexual harassment, sexualized violence or discrimination, you can receive advice and support from a contact person of your choice. You may also contact the equal opportunity officer or their deputy. 
  • The contact person you select is required to treat your report confidentially and at your request, will anonymize it. All reported cases will be reported to the equal opportunity officer in anonymized form.

Contact persons will advise you on measures to protect yourself and about possible ways of proceeding. These could be informal measures like mediation talks or a formal complaint. Contact persons also address any indications of potential endangerment you share with them so as to counteract these preventively at the earliest stage possible.

Complaints Office

Affected people have the right to file a complaint. For this, the KH Freiburg has set up a complaints office that is associated with the functions of the equal opportunity officer. The complaints office is staffed by the equal opportunity officer or their deputy and by the University administration’s rector and chancellor. Externally, the complaints office is supported by the ombudsperson for sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and violence appointed by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst.) 

  • If you have a complaint, please contact the equal opportunity officer, who will handle your concern and give you advice about suitable protective measures.
  • Please note that a complaint procedure can only be formally initiated if anonymity is lifted. In this regard, the complaints office will ensure the best possible protection for you. 


Helpful addresses

Hotlines and crisis services:

  • 24h emergency hotline for all women* and adolescent girls*: 0761 2 85 85 85
  • 24h hotline for cases of violence against women: 08000 116 016
  • Hotline for cases of violence against men: 0800 123 99 00
  • Hotline for cases of sexual abuse: 0800 22 55 530

Additional (kh freiburg external) contacts and counseling services:

  • pbs: psychotherapeutic counselling at the sudierendenwerk  freiburg-schwarzwald  (students’ social services freiburg-black forest)
  •  Frauenhorizonte gegen sexuelle Gewalt e.v. (women’s horizons against sexual violence)
  •  Wildwasser Freiburg e.v.  (wildwater Freiburg e.v.)
  •  Frauen helfen Frauen Schwarzwald-Baar e.v. (women help women Black Forest-Baar e.v.)
  •  Grauzone e.v. Donaueschingen (grey zone e.v. Donaueschingen)

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us! Dr. Deborah Lutz / Lara Graupner

Professorin/ Akademische Mitarbeiterin

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Bettina Braun

Administrative Assistant

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Thomas Höß

Administrative Assistant

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Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Klinkisch


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Prof. Dr. Claus Muke


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