Key research foci

Research at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg concentrates on three future-oriented and innovative focal points which give the university its distinctive profile. Theese three focal points are:

Key research foci at a glance

Eine Person in einer spielerischen Situation mit zwei Kleinkindern

Education, Socialisation and Inclusion

Research is focused on socialisation, education and the counselling of young people & families, as well as on the importance of participation in the face of disadvantage and disability. This includes concepts against participation restrictions (ICF)

Education, Socialisation and Inclusion
Eine Studierende in der Simulation von Alter. Sie trägt entsprechende Ausrüstung, die das Alter simulieren und stützt sich auf einen Rollator

Healthcare services research in the areas of gerontology, nursing and healthcare

The research focus is centered on current developments within gerontological fields of action as applied to nursing and the healthcare system.

Healthcare services research
Andachtsraum der KH Freiburg in meditativer Stimmung

Religion and ethics

The main focus of research is societal change in all its presentations and across all its diverse levels as well as the associated challenges these changes create for organised religion.

Religion and ethics

All three research foci have been included in the nationwide research map. Currently, at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, a research community of 28 professors and ancillary academic staff are working and researching with full commitment in the three main research areas.

Eine Person sitzt an einem Arbeitstisch zwischen Bücherregalen und liest in einem Buch