Current Research projects

Rollstuhl auf unbefestigtem Weg

BaAN - frei

The analyze of the existing barriers for wheelchair users in everyday life

Älterer Herr mit Kaffeetasse, Bücherstapel und Laptop in Arbeitssituation am Tisch


Digital educational processes for older people in senior-specific residential forms of institutionalised care for the elderly

Mehrere Personen spielen inklusives Basketball


The widerspread development of competitiveness in unified sports® such as handball, basketball, and floorball at the Special Olympics Germany

Eine Frau ruft in ein Megaphon

Speak Out

Speak Out. Together against Racism and Sexism.
Sharing Experiences of Discrimination. Fighting back Together.

Speak Out
Nahaufnahme vom Händchenhalten zweier Menschen

Effectiveness of couple therapies

Comparision of the effectiveness of emotion-focused couple therapy and systemic couple therapy in practice

Effectiveness of couple therapies
Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Sterben, wo man zuhause ist" am IAF der KH Freiburg

Dying where you live and are at home

Scientific monitoring of the pilot programme

Hospice project
vier ältere Personen im vergnügten Austausch über die Nutzung von Smartphones


A nationwide study on the media use of seniors aged 60 and older


The European Film Festival for the Generations

A nationwide series of events intended to promote dialogue between citizens, generations and cultures

The European Film Festival for the Generations

Completed research project

Pinnadeln als Knotenpunkte eines Fadennetzes

Completed research projects

More information about our completed research projects.

Completed research projects

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Prof. Dr. phil. Ines Himmelsbach

Vice Rector for Research, Head of IAF, Head of the Program Applied Gerontology, Professor

Tjard de Vries

Research Coordinator & Research Associate

Zofia Malachowska-Thiel

Research Coordinator & Research Associate