Prof. Dr. Michael Doh



Appointment: Digital Transformation in the Welfare and Healthcare System 

Office hours: Appointments per E-Mail; ILIAS:     

Professional career

  • Since 3/2021, Professor for Digital Transformation in the Welfare and Healthcare System 
  • Research Associate at the Department of Psychological Aging Research, Heidelberg University (2014-2021)
  • Research Associate at the Institute of Gerontology, Heidelberg University (2017-2019)
  • Research Associate at the Network Aging Research, Heidelberg University (2016-2017)
  • Since 2010, Director of the European Film Festival for Generations
  • Doctorate: Dr. phil. in Gerontology, Heidelberg University (2010)
  • Research Assistant at the Institute for Sport and Movement Science, University of Stuttgart (1996-1997)
  • Research Assistant at the Institute für Gerontology, Heidelberg Universi-ty (1995-1996)
  • M.A. in Educational Science, Psychology and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Heidelberg University (1994)
  • M.A. in Educational Science, Psychology and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Heidelberg University (1988-1994)
  • “Media und Communication” at the “Funkkolleg”, German Institute for Distance Education, University of Tübingen (1990-1991)

Work and research focus

  • Digital Learning in old age
  • Mediatization processes in old age
  • Digital participation and sharing
  • Digital communities
  • Digital public services at the community level
  • Digital transformation in the healthcare system
  • Digital health literacy in old age


Teaching and research projects