This list helps you to find people and contacts at the KH Freiburg according to their function, name or expertise.
Filterung überspringenFunction
- DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Representative
- Admissions Office
- Board of Executive
- Campus Residence MRH
- Career, Job, Internship
- Catholic Student Association
- Center for Inclusive Education
- Chancellor/ Head of Administration
- Communication
- Continuing Education
- Dean of Faculty
- Directors of Study Progams
- Disability Representative
- E-Learning
- eCampus
- Economics and Finance
- Financial Aid
- Harassment Prevention Officer
- Honorary professors
- Human Resources
- IAF - Institute for Applied Research
- Infothek
- International Office
- IT
- IWW - Institute for Academic Continuing Education
- Library
- Maintenance Supervisor
- Office Management
- Office of Practical Experiences and Relationships
- Office of the Chancellor
- Office of the Provost for Academics
- Office of the Provost for Continuing Education
- Office of the Provost for Research
- Office of the Rector/ Head of Academics
- Office of the Registrar
- Offices of Study Program
- Peer Beratung & Peer Mentoring
- Professors and Lecturers
- Quality Management
- Rector/ Head of Academics
- Responsible Person for On-Campus Housing
- Retired Professors
- Retired Rector
- Student Advisory Service
- Student Services Center
- University Executive Board
- University Funds and Tuition Fees
Annika Clemens-Russo
More informationsProf. Dr. Bernd Traxl
More informations