Prof. Dr. Florian Kiuppis



Appointment: Inclusive Education (Theories, Concepts and Methods) 

Function: Leader of the Senate Commission on International Affairs 

Office hours: Per e-mail appointment

Professional career 

  • Since May 2022 (until April 2025): Co-Director of the research project “Universelle Wettkampfentwicklung im Unified Sports/ Universal development of competitive-ness in unified sports (UWentUS)” (financed by the Federal Institute for Sports Sci-ence)
  • March 2022 – September 2022: Research Fellow as part of a research semester at the Chair of Sport and Sport Didactics at the Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW, Insti-tute for Secondary Level I and II, and at the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Basel (Switzerland).
  • Since October 2021: President of the “Nordic Comparative and International Educa-tion Society (NOCIES)”
  • Since September 2021: Director of the Scientific Committee, Special Olympics Deutschland
  • Since June 2020: Member of the Baden-Württemberg Centre of Applied Research (BW-CAR)
  • Since January 2020: Co-Director of the “European Network of Baskin Academy (ENOBA)” (supported by the ERASMUS+ Program, “Small Collaborative Partner-ships” in the European Union) 
  • Since August 2019 (until July 2023): Co-Director of the research project “Individu-elle soziotechnische Arrangements für die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe von Menschen mit kognitiven Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen (InstAgT)/ Individual socio-technical arrangements for social participation of people with cognitive impairments” (fi-nanced by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Since October 2018: Certificate as Baskin Coach, Baskin Association (Italy)
  • Since April 2017: W2-Professor for Theory, Concepts and Methods in Heilpädagog-ik/Speceal Needs Education in the context of inclusion und participation, Catholic University, Freiburg
  • June 2021 – July 2022: Director of the Heilpädagogik / Inclusive Education Centre, HPZ (until April 2022 with Prof. Sophia Falkenstörfer)
  • January 2017 – March 2019: Professor of Inclusive Education (after April 2017: 20%), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences – INN University (Norway)
  • August 2016 - March 2017: Director of the Graduate College “Research Centre for Child and Youth Competence Development”, Inland University of Applied Sciences (Norway)
  • June 2012 - December 2016: Associate Professor of Inclusive Education, Lilleham-mer University College (Norway)
  • February 2015 – July 2016: Chairholder UNESCO Chair “Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and Communities, Through Physical Educa-tion, Sport, Recreation and Fitness”, Institute of Technology, Tralee (Ireland)
  • March 2014 - December 2014: Visiting Research Scholar (Post-Doc), Emory Univer-sity, Atlanta (USA), Department of Sociology (supported by a “Personal Overseas Research Grant” by the Norwegian Research Council

Work and research focus

  • Theories, Concepts and Methods of Inclusive Education
  • Human Categorization (especially Dis/Ability in Adapted Physical Activity)
  • Inclusive Physical Education
  • Practice Theories
  • Comparative and International Education

Cooperations (in the context of third-party funded projects)

Teaching and research projects (third-party funded projects) 

Publications (PDF in German)